Home > Water colour > Three speckled plums II

Three speckled plums II

6in x 6in  15cm x 15cm  approx.

Now I seem to have lost my bloom and gained definition on the spots or is that just the natural aging process…of the plums,dear, of the plums, I can hear Frankie Howerd saying this.

The difference between these two pictures is that the first painted the spots in negative ie by painting a dark background round them and in this one I used masking fluid to keep the pale spots pale. Or you could say I painted them in positive with masking fluid which is removed later.

  1. March 17, 2012 at 5:12 pm

    I like both of the plum paintings. On balance I think I prefer this one-it might just be I prefer the colour palette.
    I laughed at you tale of ugly paintings in the last post. I specialise in them and am eternally grateful for the flattering effect of photographing them for the blog. 🙂

    • March 25, 2012 at 9:37 pm

      Re the speckled plums, I have thought about it…the second one is closer to my normal or rather general background colour.I can never get a warm neutral colour to work for me as a background or possibly its my over-exposure to beige, tan and general oatmeal/chicken soup (tinned) palettes in the seventies!!

      Cheers Alison

  2. March 20, 2012 at 10:35 pm

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