
Archive for May, 2014

Social Services

May 22, 2014 Leave a comment

Written mid May:-The most extraordinary thing happened a week ago or rather eight days ago. I had a phone call from Social Services …they rang in answer to my call about my aunt, 31st December 2013. So I was being unfair in saying that they never return calls -they do eventually. However four and a half months to return a call seems pointless. I told them that I had assumed they were simply ignoring us and of course that there was no longer any “us” to ignore ( poor woman seemed shocked but this must happen often the way they are operating). If you are old and ill much can happen in four and a half months, you could fall, get worse, get bored, so could your carers, you could go completely mad-so could your carers or you could simply die.

We are looking at an illusion of a service, in theory there is a service but if they are this short staffed they will spend a disproportionate amount of time fending off work which they are not ever going to able to do and rush the rest, carers will spend a ridiculous amount of time chasing them up and all for no result. Publish a leaflet entitled, “Save our time, save your own time-don’t even ask”. Really it seems logical and honest, it could be used to cover hospital discharge protocols as well.